Manage an entire fleet of Chromebooks with ease!
The Google management console:
Hapara Teacher Dashboard:

Our Solution
White Glove Enterprise Enrollment
Summer Refresh

- With Google's web-based management console, administrators can manage a fleet of Chromebooks remotely.
- At 110 settings and growing, the Chromebook management console is the most powerful tool at a technology administrator's disposal.
Hapara Teacher Dashboard:
- Allows teachers and students to have each of their classes broken down individually for easy management.
- Homework drop boxes make turning in assignments easy.
- Allows teachers to easily distribute content to students.
- Written by TIG specifically to support large, complex 1:1 environments in the unique K12 atmosphere.
- This asset management and repair-ticketing program is the backbone of our mail-in or local repair depot service.
- The web-based application that allows designated school staff to track the systems throughout their entire lifecycle, accessed by any web browser anywhere, anytime, on any platform.
- Tracks everything from parts usage to average student restoration times.

Our Solution

- We unbox, asset tag, and Enterprise enroll each Chromebook into your school's management console, saving you time.
- Asset tags are designed to your exact specifications.

- Your Chromebooks are delivered in our customized "ten-pack" boxes. These multi-pack boxes belong to you, and can be used to make storage, summer collection, and summer refresh easy.
- Our "ten-pack" boxes make deployments simple.
- When the inevitable accidental damage occurs, our depot service model allows your Chromebooks to be repaired and returned to you in a timely manner.
Summer Refresh
- TIG's summer refresh guarantees that each year students will receive a Chromebook that is repaired, cleaned, and up to date.