If you're pumping big data into old business thinking, you're doing it wrong




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Conversely, if your big data projects aren't blowing up your current business processes, then you too are doing it wrong. You have to hit the reset button on everything from your company strategy and processes to what you think you know about your business.

Yes, big data means a complete reinvention of your business--if not immediately than shortly. It may be messy and it may require your CEO to wear the brown pants for much of the trip, but reinvention is necessary if it is true competitive advantage that you seek.

According to Brian Hopkins, an analyst at Forrester "Savvy businesses find ways to turn more data into a competitive advantage." He goes on to say, "If your firm doesn't get this, it won't be pretty--starting in the not too distant future."

That's exactly right. But it's not going to be pretty either way. Either you tear apart and rebuild the business into a heavily data-muscled, prescient, profit-generator or you leave everything like it is and watch it turn to dust. There's a good deal of excitement in either choice but pretty isn't present in either scenario.
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