Erate Webinars

Erate Webinars




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Event date: 10/29/2015 10:45 AM Export event

Date of Event: October 29, 2015
Where: Web / Online
Time: 10:45AM (Pacific) / 1:45PM (Eastern)

School network infrastructure is critical to successful college and career readiness initiatives, and many schools do not have the network capacity and density to support personalized learning and on-line assessment needs.  Well designed and implemented wireless solutions reduce complexity, risk and cost.  Most importantly, teachers and students can focus on learning. 

As a premier professional services integrator, TIG can provide complete networking and wireless assessments and network designs including wireless as a service (WaaS) solutions that allow schools to take an OPEX approach to wireless procurement, deployment, and management.

TIG has the expertise, resources, and commitment to help you implement an education data network addressing today and tomorrow’s teaching and learning requirements.
The Schools and Libraries Universal Service Program (E-Rate) managed by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) can be an excellent resource to offset the cost of upgrading your network infrastructure by up to 85%.  Significant program changes beginning in 2015 provide schools and libraries with internal connection funding:
-         An incremental $1 Billion is allocated for Category 2 internal connections.
-         Schools’ 5 year Category 2 budget is $150 per student times the district’s discount rate.  Libraries are $2.30 per sq. ft. ($30 per student times the discount rate for Wireless as Service over 5 years)
-         All properly submitted 2015 471’s are being funded.
Please join TIG for an overview of E Rate changes and TIG Wireless Solutions including Wireless as a Service. 
Webinar Dates
Thursday, October 29, 2015   11:45 Pacific /1:45 pm  Eastern 
Thursday, November 19, 2015    11:45 Pacific /1:45 pm  Eastern 
Thursday, December 17, 2015  11:45 Pacific /1:45 pm  Eastern 

            TIG SPIN # 143006183
USAC Schools and Libraries Program
E Rate 2.0
Funds for Learning
edWeb “Your On Line Guide to E Rate Funding”

Join WebEx meeting

Meeting number:              922 838 502
Meeting password:          USAC

Join by phone
1-858-880-3185 ID 1168

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Author: Event Admin

Categories: TIG Events

