TIG & Unitrends Ransomware Webinar

TIG & Unitrends Ransomware Webinar




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Event date: 9/18/2019 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Export event

Date of Event: Wednesday, September 18th
Where: Webinar
Time: 11:30am– 12:30 pm PST

Join TIG and Unitrends on September, 18th to learn how the new rules of recovery can keep your business running – no matter what.

The greatest threat comes from within: The number one cause of IT downtime is your employees, not an external threat.

Employees inadvertently delete files, click on ransomware bait, hoard data and don’t test new software adequately.

Your data backup and recovery solution probably does an okay job of protecting you from external threats – but how is it against more common employee issues?

In this webinar, learn how advanced data backup solutions can protect you against the 5 most likely internal threats, including:

  • Enabling easy pretesting of software patches, upgrades, fixes
  • Protecting against malicious employees who delete large numbers of files
  • Automated discovery & recovery from ransomware attacks
  • How to recover deleted files in less than 5 minutes

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