

The power of Predictive Analytics

The Power of Predictive Analytics – Universities are turning to new data sources to identify those students who need a nudge toward success.  The promise of predictive analytics in higher education continues to entice--for good reason, it can change student and University outcomes.

In this discussion we will look at why most institutions are struggling to leverage the traditional data points they gather about students - let alone the other data sources needed to ensure actionable insights around student attraction, progression and retention. Second, we will examine why a data mix that works at one school may not be relevant at another, making it almost impossible to buy an effective packaged solution off the shelf – discussion will center on what options are available. Finally, the creepiness factor - Just how intrusive can schools be in tracking the actions of their students?  We will discuss how to protect student level data.

Or find out more at the Association of Collegiate Computing Services of Virginia

Annual Conference: March 16 - 18, 2016

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