

Battelle Vendor Expo Day

Author: Event Admin

Date of Event: Tuesday, November 12th 2019
Where:Discovery Hall
650 Horn Rapids Rd
Richland, Wa 99354
Time: 10:30am-1pm

TIG will be providing muffins, scones and cookies as well as Coffee, hot tea, and water for all Vendor Expo Day participants from Kagen Coffee and Crepes inside Discovery Hall.

TIG will also be onsite to talk about our specific contracted solutions for Battelle this year.

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Join TIG @ DataConnectors Seattle

Author: Event Admin

Date of Event: June 7th, 2018
Where: Seattle, WA

With the number of breaches and Identity thefts last year and the statistic that an identity is stolen every 8 seconds we need to understand what has happened, what is coming and what we can do about it. Let’s talk about some theories on the upcoming year and what the impact will be with a conversation on how we can solve the problem going forward. Learn the concepts of a Risk based approach to authentication using Identity Assurance and Continuous Authentication to balance the user experience versus the security concerns.

Guest Speaker, James Mandelbaum (Field CTO – RSA Identity)

James Mandelbaum is the Field CTO of Identity with RSA Security and has worked with some of the largest companies, pre- and post-breach. He has provided guidance to organizations on methods to build out a secure access and Identity plan during these times of consistently evolving security landscapes. James is a standing member of the High Tech Criminal Investigations Association and volunteers with police investigations in high tech crimes.

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ACCIS Conference

Author: Event Admin

Date of Event: April 18 – April 20, 2018
Where: Coast Wenatchee Center Hotel
201 N. Wenatchee Ave.
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Time: All Day Event

"Government Working Together"
ACCIS is an organization composed of the Chief Information Systems Officers of Counties and Cities from within the State of Washington. ACCIS also welcomes State Agencies, Districts, Commissions, and Ports as affiliate members.

ACCIS Conference helps:

  • Promote a communication link between the Information Systems functions of the member agencies
  • Represent County and City Information Systems' interests to State officials, and to call attention to legislation affecting data processing operations and technology
  • Provide education for County and City officers on roles, responsibilities of Information Systems departments

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