
TIG is a nation-wide organization providing eligible E-rate Category 1 and 2 services. TIG has a broad understanding of the E-rate program and a commitment to use that knowledge and experience to help schools and libraries obtain their allocated E-rate funding. TIG has nearly two decades of successful experience working with a diverse group of schools and libraries, including rural and urban, large and small. TIG's internal E-rate team regularly participates in Schools and Libraries Division (SLD) vendor trainings and conference calls to maintain their knowledge base and program understanding. TIG's E-rate team reviews program rules and requirements frequently to ensure compliance and successful E-rate technology deployments

E Rate resources:
• TIG SPIN Number: 143006183
• Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) http://www.usac.org/sl/
• E Rate 2.0 http://www.usac.org/sl/tools/modernization-order/default.aspx
• Funds for Learning www.fundsforlearning.com
• edWeb “Your On Line Guide to E Rate Funding http://www.edweb.net/.59ee59bd/

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