Secure Risk

How can TIG help? Realize and Assess Risk

TIG has improved the mitigation of risk and complexities for thousands of companies. We are security experts who understand the intricacy of tough new regulatory acts and how they affect businesses. We start by helping companies realize and assess their risks. Then, we provide a comprehensive defense with in-depth security strategies that encompass people, process and technology. Our security practice is tried and true and offers best of breed technologies backed by the finest professional security services in the world today.

Perimeter/Remote – From firewalls to VPNs, securing the border while allowing safe and necessary remote access. Read More

Secure Content Management –Protecting your company from viruses, spam, and undesirable web pages to not only provide enhanced security, but also address productivity and potential human resources issues. Read More

Intrusion Management – Ever wonder what is happening on your network? Whether detection or prevention, recognize and prepare for the inevitable intrusion. Read More

End Point Security – the “edge” of networks continues to get more porous and extended – maintaining control over the end point becomes increasingly critical to secure your network. Read More

Wireless Security - Balance the benefits, mobility and access, while ensuring confidentiality and integrity of your of data. Read More

Managed Security Services (MSSP) – Sleep well knowing that the best security experts in the world are watching your network 24 x 7 x 365. Read More

Discover how you can optimize now – connect today to set up a live demo.